Book Review: The Himalayan Revelation

An accidental discovery of the insignia of an ancient empire on a wooden prayer wheel at a Ladakhi monastery, soon turns into a dangerous chase between two nations trying to discover and establish ownership of a remote location in India, the existence of which was  a secret until then. The only man with any knowledge of this location is Xhan

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Book Review: The Prophecy of Trivine

Based on the concept that aliens once existed amongst us and have influenced the development of religion, technology and cultures within the human race and are in fact are responsible for the various wonders of the world like the pyramids of Giza and stone heads of Easter Island (reference Wikipedia), The Prophecy of Trivine explores the idea that life on earth could

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Book Review: The Invitation

When I first read the blurb of this book, I expected an emotional drama filled with behavioral and emotional theatrics displayed when a group of individuals, especially those that have migrated to the promised land of generation ‘X’ meet after a decade! I was expecting chapters filled with the display of wealth and success by the main protagonists in true immigrant

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Book Review: My Journey

Once in a while, you come across a book that will make you ponder about the life you have lived – about everything you have learnt and done; and this thought process might trigger a self introspection of your being. This book did that for me – it had me thinking about my journey, things that I could have done better and how I can start making little changes that would make me a better person and take a step closer to achieving my dreams.

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