5 Book-Worthy Gift Ideas this Christmas

We love books. We all love books. We love all books. Just like we love to tear open glossy gift packs or those cardboard boxes from online stores, we must learn to (if we still haven’t) gift books to others. Christmas is the season of Secret Santa games and trust me, it won’t hurt to send a few hundreds worth of bookish gifts to book lovers. It doesn’t matter if they are your friends, book bloggers, and peeps at work or just random people from social media. Every book-lover deserves a Christmas gift. Take some tips here:
Bestsellers – Mostly the stuff that we keep eyeing at, but restrain ourselves for the cost or just to check frequency of shopping! This is the season to gift these beauties. Be it Nicholas Sparks’ See Me, or Ravi Subramanian’s The Bestseller She Wrote, go buy that one for the friend who’s been raving about it all month.
Box sets/Gift sets – Can you imagine somebody sending you a box set of Harry Potter or Enid Blyton’s Famous Five? Wouldn’t you love them more? I bet the book nerd friend of yours or the spouse who has been saving up for this one would be over the moon if you gifted them these. So, go for it! Send them a glittery golden paper wrapped set of the best books in a series.
Bookmarks – If you thought bookmarks are just those colourful paper strips, think again. They can be much more, from metal to lacquered, designed and customised for a perfect gift. Try this, for instance. I was floored when I saw the Taj Mahalbookmark that one of my blogger friends got on her anniversary. You can turn your bookish friends’ Christmas into a celebration with these!
Book ends – Heard of these yet? They are quirky little stands to display the best and favourite books you have. Imagine two wooden elephants at each end of the stand, holding five of your prized books. Surely your friends would love those too. Gift one to a book nerd and cherish the smile they break into.
Books, obviously – Yeah, the last option. Really? Gift any book, may be one you like and want your BFF to read. Or the one you’ve been discussing about for days in Book Clubs. If you are aware of your friends’ wishlists, nothing better to choose from there. If you don’t, just try to sneak the books they crave to buy every time they visit a bookstore.
I’ll be back in 2016; with the book my Secret Santa gifted me. Tell me yours too. Merry Christmas!